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What is Gelatine?

It is a structural protein called collagen found in many animals, including humans.



  • Cheap - good for lower budget productions

  • It can be re-melted and re-used

  • It can be pigmented, pre-pigmented ones can be bought

  • It sets quickly

  • It can clean out moulds

  • Translucent

  • Fast and easy to use

  • Edges are easy to blend

  • Completely safe (even edible)

  • Can be melted down and re-used

  • Not suitable for vegetarians/vegans

  • Burn risk

  • Fast setting time - have to work quickly with it

  • Not suitable in hot conditions - can melt

  • Cannot soften as well as silicone

  • Unstable - will melt under hot lights and when in contact with perspiration.

  • Does not move well

  • Dries out

  • Heavy

  • Does not smell pleasant

Industry Reference

Conway, J. (2004) Make-Up Artistry. 1st EDN. Heinemann Educational Publishers:Oxford


These points back up my advantages and disadvantages as well as giving me more.

Gelatine do's

  • Put it into the microwave to heat up. Keep checking it and mixing it after every 30 seconds.

  • Test a little bit on your hand first before applying the whole thing. This is so you don't burn yourself.

  • Pour into the mould from a height to prevent air bubbles.

  • Be quick as you don't have long until it sets.

  • Never boil it, it will affect the structure of your gelatine and when it's set, it will become sticky and unusable.

  • Do not reheat your gelatine too many times, it will become brittle (only do it 3-4 times).

  •  Do not apply straight onto the skin as it can cause burns.

  • Do not chill gelatine, it will become brittle and may tear.

Gelatine do nots

Step by step guide of my gelatine pieces...

  1.  Remove the clay from around the plaster piece.

  2.  With a cleaning brush and hot soapy water, brush the inside of the piece to get rid of any excess clay stuck on the mould.

  3.  Apply vaseline as mould release all over the inside of the mould.

  4. Take a piece of gelatine, place it in a tub and put it in the microwave to heat it up. Around every 30 seconds, take it out and mix until it has all melted.

  5.  Quickly add some flocking to colour and add texture to the gelatine.

  6. If the gelatin begins to thicken, quickly heat again for 30 seconds.

  7.  From a height, pour the gelatine into the mould. It is important to pour it from a height to stop any air bubbles occurring.

  8. Leave to cool down, harden and set.

  9. Powder over the mould and slowly powder under your mould as you remove it from your negative.


I have learnt many things from today's session about gelatine. For example, I have learnt that you don't have much working time with it before it sets and has to be reheated. As well as that, I have been able to pinpoint the advantages and disadvantages of this product.

As you can see from my images, my first attempt didn't go very well as I did not mix enough gelatine. Once my first attempt dried, I peeled it out and put in back in the tub, along with a little bit more, and placed it back into the microwave.

My second attempt was a lot more successful as I had more gelatine to work with. I poured it from a height again until it filled the wound. I then grabbed my wooden spatula and horizontally scraped over the stop of the mould to get rid of any excess gelatine. Although this was a successful attempt, one side of the mould was fuller than the other as it did not evenly spread out. I found out this was due to putting too much vaseline on the inside of the mould causing the gelatine to not stay. Therefore, next time I do this, I will ensure that I don't put too much vaseline on the inside of my mould.

When applying the gelatine, I found it extremely hard to blend. This was due to my piece being too thick, it made it harder to dissolve the edges. I wasn't too happy with how my appliance of the piece due to the edges not dissolving, therefore, next time I do this I need to make sure that I don't put as much gelatine in my mould. Although I wasn't impressed with the edges, I was happy with how I coloured the wound as it looked realistic.

Smart target

By the end of the semester, I aim to create five more gelatine pieces and apply and colour them. I will do this by attending Friday workshop lessons with Laura. I will make sure to bring my own products to the workshop and will run my gelatine pieces the night before. Each session I will try to apply two gelatine pieces.

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